See all our events coming up


The Ark Mothers & Toddlers Group will run on Thursdays 10-11.30am all welcome. Note the Ark does not operate in School Holidays.

Any queries please telephone:

01553 763015

Up-coming activities:-

Join us on Sunday 28th July for our Service at 10.30am when Rev June Love will be preaching. Enjoy worshipping with us.

All Welcome

Craft & Chatter Group: meets in the cafe area each Thursdays. Contact Hil or Jackie for more

information.(The group does not operate in August.)

The “Steps” group for children in school years 5,6,7 & 8 meets in term times at the church. See our Pastor Rev. June Love for details. The group does not operate in August.

On Wednesday 24th July 12.00-2.00pm will be our Community Lunch – suggested donation of £2 but if you cannot afford this come anyway- if you can afford more than £2 give extra. No-one is excluded. (Sign-up to avoid disappointment) .The group does not operate in August.

On Tuesdays from 3.30pm-5.00pm in the church, we are holding a “Lego Club” for children – please come and have fun. (note Tuesday 18th the meeting will be in the cafe area) The group does not operate in August.

We are operating FISH (food in school holidays) from Thursday 26th July 9.30-11.30am enjoy a good meal of breakfast/brunch. Please book by either calling 01553 763015 or emailing our pastor rev. on [email protected] as booking is essential.